Every second there are around 99,000 Google searches taking place, and on almost every Search Engine Results Page, users will see an ad. With this in mind, it is important that your Google Ads copy is engaging as it is the first point of interaction between your brand and potential customers.  

For new home developers looking to stand out in a competitive market, crafting compelling Google Ads copy is an important step towards attracting potential buyers.  

In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of writing engaging and effective Google Ads copy that is guaranteed to drive clicks and conversions.  

Know your audience  

Before writing your Google Ads copy, take the time to understand your ideal homebuyer. What are their preferences, needs and pain points? Whether you want to reach first-time homebuyers, growing families, or retirees, knowing your audience will help you tailor your message to speak directly to their needs.  

Highlight unique selling propositions  

As a new homes developer, consider what makes your homes and development area stand out to prospective buyers. From innovative design, energy-efficient features and good local amenities, prime locations, your USP should be the main point of your ads.  

Keep it concise and clear  

When writing Google Ads copy for your new home developments, the golden rule is to keep it concise and clear. Homebuyers need information quickly, so make sure to avoid unnecessary jargon and focus on delivering a clear message. This ensures that your message is easily understood and makes it more likely for users to click or convert.  

Keyword optimisation for homebuyers

Use keywords that match the intent of potential homebuyers. Consider general and location-specific phrases they might use when searching for a new home and ensure that they are included in your ad copy. This not only helps your ads appear in relevant search results, but also signals to searchers that your homes align with their search intent. 

Create a sense of urgency  

Encourage potential buyers to take action by creating a sense of urgency in your ad copy. Limited time offers, exclusive promotions, or the mention of available schemes can motivate users to click through and explore your new homes.  

Use ad extensions  

Google Ads offer a range of ad extensions that allow you to provide additional information to potential buyers. Use site link extensions to direct users to specific pages on your website and use callout extensions to highlight additional features or amenities. These extensions also enhance the overall appeal of your ad.  

Digital marketing for home developers

If you’re looking to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level, consider partnering with MMS Marketing. As a certified Google Partner, our Google Ads management service can help improve your online presence and drive results for your new homes.  

To learn more about how MMS Marketing can support your digital marketing efforts, read more about digital marketing services or get in touch to speak to our Google Ads experts.